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Global Remote Services a castigat premiul pentru “Cel mai bun contract BPO al anului” la CEE Shared Services and Outsourcing Awards

In 2015, Global Remote Services received the award for the “Best BPO Contract of the Year” Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) Outsourcing and Shared Services Awards.

Compania câștigătoare

Compania castigatoare a fost selectata de un juriu format din 29 de profesionisti din industria BPO / Outsourcing / Shared Services din Europa, America de Nord si Asia.

GRS a castigat premiul datorita semnarii unui contract major pentru solutii avansate de asistenta pentru clienti BtoB si BtoC, care include tehnologie de varf si o structura eficienta de lucru. Aceasta realizare a avut loc în urma unui proces de licitatie la care au participat alte 12 companii.

Solutia oferita bazata pe experienta cu clientii

Solutia oferita a permis entitatii sa îmbunatateasca în mod semnificativ experienta clientilor sai interni si externi. Aceste rezultate au adus companiei o recunoastere globala semnificativa pentru serviciile sale oferite clientilor în 2017.

“Suntem onorati sa primim acest premiu în semn de recunoastere a muncii depuse de întreaga noastra echipa si de partenerul nostru. La GRS, avem o echipa de profesionisti multilingvi talentati, cu idei inovatoare si capacitatea de a se adapta rapid la nevoile clientilor. Vom continua sa cream si sa oferim servicii foarte personalizate pentru a raspunde acestor nevoi. Scopul nostru este sa ne ajutam clientii sa atinga rapid niveluri ridicate de satisfactie, economii semnificative de costuri si eficienta operationala. Inca o data, multumim tuturor!”, a declarat Cosmin Raducu Efrim, director general al GRS.

Compania castigatoare a fost selectata de un juriu format din 29 de profesionisti din industria BPO / Outsourcing / Shared Services din Europa, America de Nord si Asia.

GRS won the award thanks to the acquisition

GRS won the award thanks to the acquisition of an important contract for very advanced BtoB and BtoC customer care solutions both in terms of technology and work organization, following a tender process involving 12 other participating companies.

The solution offered has allowed the client to significantly improve the Customer Experience both for its internal customers and for external customers, which aided it in winning an important worldwide recognition for the customer service offered, in 2017.

“We are honored to receive this award in recognition of the hard work done by our entire team and our partner in making this possible. At GRS, we have a team of multi-lingual talented professionals with innovative ideas and the ability to adapt quickly to customer needs. 
We will continue to create and offer highly tailored services to meet their needs. Our goal is to help our customers quickly reach high levels of customer satisfaction, have significant cost savings and achieve a high level of operational efficiency. Once again, we thank everyone!“ said Cosmin Raducu Efrim, General Manager of GRS.

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